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2022 Global Hallyu Trends_English version

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작성일 2022-12-14 조회조회수 8,884 첨부파일 첨부파일 : 2022 Global Hallyu Trends.pdf (10.7M)
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Prologue. Hallyu: Peak or Inflection Point?


Section 1. 2022 Major Issues in Hallyu

ISSUE 1. The global sensation of Squid Game

-Analysis of various performance indicators and popularity factors of Squid Game

-Performance and prospects of Korean video contents after Squid Game

ISSUE 2. Increased hybridity and solidification of fandoms in K-Pop

-Increased hybridity of K-Pop

-Solidification of K-Pop fandoms

ISSUE 3. Expansion of Hallyu contents consumption owing to prolonged COVID-19 pandemic
-Increased Hallyu contents consumption compared with previous year
-Drama favorability increase by 4.2% in 2021 from 2020
-Hallyu contents Brand Power Index up 3.1 points from previous year
ISSUE 4. Expanding popularization of Hallyu
-Increase in Hallyu Index
-Increase in Hallyu usage indicators
-Reduction in gap of Hallyu contents usage by sex and age
ISSUE 5. K-Pop and Hallyu after BTS
-BTS temporarily suspends group activities
-Future of K-Pop and Hallyu


Section 2. Analysis of Hallyu Trends by Region and Country
CHAPTER 1. Perception of Hallyu (Korea)
-Images associated with Korea
-Negative perceptions of Hallyu contents and their causes
-Changes in perception of Korea after using Hallyu contents
CHAPTER 2. Hallyu consumption
-Consumption behavior of Hallyu contents
-Spread of Hallyu usage
-Changes in consumption of Hallyu contents compared with before the COVID-19 outbreak
CHAPTER 3. Popularity of Hallyu
-Popularity and favorability of Hallyu contents
-Favorability and inhibiting favorabilty Factors of Hallyu contents
-Favorite Hallyu contents
-Favorite Hallyu stars
-Brand Power Index of Hallyu contents
CHAPTER 4. Hallyu ripple effects
-Intention to use Korean products and services in the future
-Intention to pay for Hallyu contents in the future
-Influence of consuming Hallyu contents on purchasing or using Korean products and services

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