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(영문) 2021 한류백서_Hallyu White Paper 2021(English)

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작성일 2023-01-11 조회조회수 32,461 첨부파일 첨부파일 : [KOFICE] Hallyu White Paper_20211.pdf (3.8M)
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2021 Hallyu White Paper


 Introduction to 2021 Hallyu Issues

 Ah-young Kim/Researcher

Research Team, Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange


■ 2021 Achievements and Forecast of Hallyu by Sector

   : Analysis of Four Pop Culture Content


1. Hallyu in Broadcast Programs 

'K-dramas' That Have Joined the Mainstream Open a new Chapter of Hallyu

 Seong-min Lee/ Assistant Professor

Department of Media Arts and Sciences, Korea National Open University


2. Hallyu in Film

Hallyu in Film Shifting From the big Screen to Online Platforms

 Hyung-seok Kim/ Film Journalist 


3. Hallyu in Music

Change Amidst Crisis and Resulting Opportunities

 Gyu-tag Lee/ Associate Professor of Cultural Studies

George Mason University-Korea


4. Hallyu in Games/e-sports 

Game Hallyu Advancing Through Various Platforms

 Shinkyu Kang/ Research fellow

Media & Advertising Research Institute, Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation



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